Friday, October 7, 2016

Growing Up Organic and Putting the Beds to Rest for the Winter

Yesterday I had the privilege of joining some of the grade three students in a soil workshop facilitated by Jenn at Growing Up Organic.  The kids learned about how much of the earth is made up of soil for us to use to grow things with (just 3%!) and how important things such as bugs contribute to making good soil for our crops to grow.

We will do an experiment with one of the beds over the winter to see how composting can help improve the soil quality (and therefore how much we can grow next summer).

The kids also got to enjoy eating the last crop of beans.  They were literally competing to get more and noticed how sweet and yummy a fresh picked bean tastes compared to a store bought bean! 

There are a few final things that need to be done to our gardens for get them ready for winter - but all in all this has been a great first gardening season at St. Cecilia.